From the archives: 1927 Design Plans for the Automat Facade at 455 7th Avenue, NY

 As part of our revival efforts, we’ve been diving deep into the Horn & Hardart archives. We recently uncovered a beautiful pencil sketch of the exterior design for the Automat at 455 7th Ave, NY.

In 1927, Horn & Hardart commissioned the architectural firm F.P. Platt & Bro. to update the facade of the Automat at 455 7th Ave, which had opened two years earlier on August 11, 1925. The design, dated September 14, 1927, envisioned a striking combination of bronze and marble to reflect the innovation and elegance of the Automat.

Notable features include illuminated glass letters on a bronze panel for the Automat Cafeteria sign, and bronze letters on marble at the top, spelling Horn & Hardart. The elegant use of these materials, paired with the bright lights, helped the Automat stand out as a welcoming, modern dining experience for New Yorkers.

Imagine what this facade must have looked like in person, with those lights highlighting the striking layers of bronze and marble as you walked into the Automat.

The Automat Cafeteria at 455 7th Ave closed on September 30, 1974.
